3 Shadow Box Theme Ideas For Teens

Filling a shadow box with mementos is a great way to capture memories. If you have a teen, you might be hoping to work on a shadow box project together so that your son or daughter will be able to showcase some of his or her favorite things, but you might be hoping to stick with a theme. If you're struggling to come up with a theme idea for your teen's shadow box, give one of these ideas a try.

1. Family and Friends

Your teen probably has family members and friends who are very important to them. A shadow box is a perfect way to remember all of these loved ones. Pictures and mementos from best friends and beloved family members can be kept in a shadow box and can then be displayed in your teen's bedroom or taken along to college for comfort.

2. Summer Vacation

If your family is going on a vacation this summer, a shadow box is a perfect way to save some mementos from the fun. If you're going on a beach vacation as a family, for example, you can save small seashells, tickets from any attractions that you might visit while you're there, shark teeth that you might find on the beach, and other small objects that will help your teen remember the vacation for many years to come.

Even if your family isn't actually going anywhere for summer vacation, your teen can use a shadow box to remember the fun things that he or she did while out of school for the summer. Saving mementos from the things that he or she did with friends, for example, is a good way to look back and remember summer vacation with happiness, even during the middle of the next school year.

3. Favorite Things

One great theme for a teen's shadow box is "favorite things." Whether your teen is interested in music, fashion, animals or just about anything else, finding little mementos to keep in the shadow box to remind him or her of these favorite hobbies is fun.

If you want to work with your teen to create a cool shadow box that he or she can display in his or her bedroom or tuck away for safekeeping, try one of these theme ideas. These ideas are sure to help get both of your creative juices flowing so you can come up with your own cool shadow box ideas. For more information, contact a company like Hoosier Highlander.
