Have To Get A Gift For Someone Who's Got It All? What To Do

You might dread certain gift-giving holidays because you, like many, probably know someone who already has cool things. In fact, they might already seem to have everything they'd want. You may think of a great gift to get them, only to discover they already own it or just bought it. How can you satisfy someone like that without ruining your budget? Consider these gifts.

Candle Lantern Gifts

Millions of people love candles, and lanterns can be a unique way to position them in someone's home. A beautiful candle housed in a lantern will fit almost any decor, and there are so many different ways to present candle lanterns that even if someone already has one, you can gift them one that is gorgeous and different. You can even help them begin a collection.

You might give them a candle in their favorite scent inside of a teardrop-shaped lantern if you know they have a flair for the exotic, or you can present them with a carriage lantern and multiple votive candles if they prefer a rustic feel. You can mix and match colors and shapes; you can even find candle lanterns that are powered with LED lights and never hold a real flame. There are also candle lanterns that can do double duty as essential oil or incense diffusers. Peruse candle lantern gift ideas for presents which will delight your relative or friend.

Instrument, Voice, Cooking or Sports Lessons

For people who buy themselves lots of objects and knickknacks, you may want to steer away from another "thing" and offer them an experience. If there's something they don't know how to do, for instance, you can get them lessons. For your friend who loves to sing in the shower, for instance, you might sign up for vocal coach lessons. For the relative who loves cars and has a few, you might want to sign them up for hours on the racetrack with an instructor. If you know someone who has just redone their kitchen and bought fantastic cookware, try cooking lessons with a local or celebrity chef. Not only will they learn real-life skills that they can use forever, but they will enrich themselves and know that you are the person who inspired them.

Hard-to-buy-for people can be much more fun to get presents for when you think about these two options. Keep watching them throughout the year for even more ideas. Contact a shop, like St Michel's Gifts, for more help.
